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Book - Devices, Circuits, and Systems: Semiconductor Devices in Harsh Conditions (2016, E-book) in PDF


Semiconductor Devices in Harsh Conditions introduces the reader to a number of challenges for the operation of electronic devices in various harsh environmental conditions. While some chapters focus on measuring and understanding the effects of these environments on electronic components, many also propose design solutions, whether in choice of material, innovative structures, or strategies for amelioration and repair. Many applications need electronics designed to operate in harsh environments. Readers will find, in this collection of topics, tools and ideas useful in their own pursuits and of interest to their intellectual curiosity. This book focuses on radiation, operating conditions, sensor systems, package, and system design. It is divided into three parts. The first part deals with sensing devices designed for operating in the presence of radiation, commercials of the shelf (COTS) products for space computing, and influences of single event upset. The second covers system and package design for harsh operating conditions. The third presents devices for biomedical applications under moisture and temperature loads in the frame of sensor systems and operating conditions.

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Covers important considerations for both hardware and software systems when linking analog and digital devices.Consists of practical, applied case studies relating to medical device design in industry.These papers cover topics ranging from deciding where to best place management control functions inside a network to a discussion of how multi-core hardware processors can be leveraged for traffic filtering applications.With continuous transistor scaling, silicon fabrication technology now has the potential to substantially reduce the cost of automotive radar sensors.The authors of this book have developedand tested a methodology and tools for developing intelligent agentsystems.The book covers the use of polished interactivity for enhancing the user experience.Interest in the best-known Soviet legal scholar, Evgeny Pashukanis, remains widespread and his work retains considerable relevance.This extension is achieved by a natural extension procedure that can be motivated by a rationality axiom stating that adding null random quantities does not affect acceptability.With race details covering Europe and the USA, from the Sports Car Club of America production D racers, to the GTO and Trans Am class 924 GTRs of the mid-80s, this is the first time that the full history of this rare supercar has been told., Widely reported at the time as being one of the greatest of the Porsche 'specials, ' the story of the now almost forgotten Porsche 924 Carrera is examined, here, in detail for the first time.The chief focus of the book is on the symbolic and linguistic.The latter exhibit finite spatial phases and generate nonvanishing electronic currents.Most sections are followed by at least one application section, which includes two different types of exercises: Self-Study Questions and Exercises.